

From holiday bell ringing to community blood drives, blanket-making for hospital patients to fundraisers for food pantries, M州立学生, 截至1月底,教职员工已经计划或主持了20多场特别活动和活动,以提高人们对慈善事业的认识和捐款, with almost half the school year still left to go.

“作为一所大学,我们今天的实力和成功归功于社区的支持和慷慨, so it feels right to celebrate this anniversary milestone with a focus on giving back, 作为一种表达“谢谢”的方式,’” says M State President Carrie Brimhall. “我很自豪地说,我们的学生, staff and faculty rose to the occasion, 热情地接受“20件善举”,并真正把他们的心和精力投入其中.”

M州立学生, 教职员工是社区事业的重要支持者,即使在非周年纪念日, 贡献了3美元.3 million annually to the state economy in volunteer time, energy and donations (as reported by the 明尼苏达州 system of colleges and universities).

“We support the greater community, just as the greater community supports us,” says Brimhall. “我们的大学以及在这里工作和学习的人都为社区的成功投入了大量资金, 并希望看到该地区的繁荣.”

“20件善举”活动从开学之初就开始了,并将持续到春季学期. Acts vary in size and scope, but all support good causes.

以下是20个活动的图片和摘要,这些活动要么是在一月底之前举行的,要么是计划在学年结束之前举行的. 这个清单并不详尽, and numerous other good works could have been included, 但它展示了大发彩票平台学生所表现出的各种善意, 教职员工.


1) 11月不刮胡子


大发彩票平台社会工作者和饥饿委员会组织了一场全校范围的“11月不刮胡子”活动, which encouraged the campus communities to, “扔掉修剪器,让它生长!“捐款20美元, anyone at the college could sponsor a student, staff or faculty member to grow out or keep their existing facial hair through November. Creative facial hair designs were cheered on, and photos were posted to the college’s social media pages with the hashtag #mstatenoshave. The effort was intended to raise awareness about physical and mental health, and was held in conjunction with a monthlong food drive for M State’s Campus Cupboards.

2) Wadena Nursing Club Blood Drive

Wadena Nursing Club blood drive fall 2023

24日,来自瓦迪纳护理俱乐部的5名志愿学生在瓦迪纳大发彩票平台校园为红十字会献血. There were 54 blood donors, 35 of whom were donating for the first time. The club plans to continue to hold a blood drive at the campus every fall, with next year’s event especially targeted to veterans.


在退伍军人节,来自大发彩票平台的志愿者帮助在费格斯瀑布社区竖起了数百面美国国旗,以纪念退伍军人. 爱国主义的展示是在早上的第一件事,这样国旗就可以整天飘扬,然后在晚上晚些时候被取下.



穆尔黑德的M州汽车俱乐部于10月底加入了“修理前进部”,为需要交通工具的人维修捐赠的车辆. The 提前修复 program provides the vehicles at zero expense. 学生们与提前修复志愿者们一起为道路准备了一些捐赠的汽车.

5) 学习 Campus Student Life Blood Drive

11月8日,穆尔黑德校园学生生活组织在大发彩票平台穆尔黑德校区为维塔兰特举办了献血活动. Eight students from Student Government and other campus clubs volunteered for the event, 这带来了22名献血者, 包括9名第一次. Another blood drive is planned to be held at the campus on March 8.

6) Donation Drive for Lakes Crisis Center

底特律湖区的M州立学生护士协会为湖区危机组织了秋季捐款活动 & 资源中心. The group collected household items such as bed pillows, 浴巾, 小型厨房用具, silverware and non-breakable dishes, as well as some gently-used kids’ clothing throughout the month of November.

7) Food Drive for the Becker County Food Pantry

Along with the donation drive for the crisis center, 底特律湖区的M州立学生护士协会为贝克尔县食品储藏室举办了秋季食品募捐活动, 收集罐头食品, 卫生用品和尿布. 捐款截止到12月11日. 1.

8) '挖粉红色'

挖粉红色 2023

10月20日,M州立斯巴达排球队在常规赛的最后一场主场比赛中举办了“挖粉红色”. Donations were raised in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, with proceeds going to the 费格斯瀑布 Cancer Center, and a limited number of free pink t-shirts were available at the game.



On each of the four campuses in late October, M State President Carrie Brimhall brought free pizza for students, spending an afternoon talking with them and sharing a slice. Pizza With the President is an activity Brimhall likes to do on a semi-regular basis, 为了乐趣和联系.


学习 Nursing Student Organization tie blankets for Sanford 2023

12月初, 穆尔黑德的护理学生组织制作了领带毯子,并将其捐赠给桑福德健康中心,供病人及其家属使用.




2023 HERO Foundation fundraiser Wadena Nursing Club

大约12名瓦迪纳护理俱乐部的学生穿着80年代最好的衣服,为英雄基金会在法戈举行的秋季筹款活动做志愿者. HERO(医疗设备回收组织)收集并分发捐赠的医疗用品给有需要的人. The theme of this year's event was "'80s for $80,000."

12) Ornament-Making for 水獭湾

2023 Early Childhood students make ornaments for 水獭湾

12月11日,在弗格斯瀑布的水獭湾儿童博物馆,一群M州立早教学生帮助工作人员在社区的跨河节日期间制作装饰品. 4.


FF students reading at McKinley Elementary 2023

去年秋天,弗格斯瀑布州立大学的学生们在弗格斯瀑布的麦金利小学给孩子们读书, with the scheduling help of the Otter Risers Kiwanis club.

14) Bell-Ringing for the Salvation Army

2023 Salvation Army bell ringing Shannon Britten



作为今年两个独立的员工捐赠活动的一部分,大发彩票平台的员工捐赠了数千美元来帮助有需要的学生. 底特律湖、摩尔黑德和瓦迪纳校区的竞选活动是由M州立基金会组织的 & 校友, with money raised going into the M State Promise Fund, 哪些大学社工用来帮助那些有可能阻碍他们留在学校的意外开支的学生, 比如医药费, 车辆维修, 儿童保育或食物. The campaign for the 费格斯瀑布 campus is run by the Fergus Area College Foundation, with dollars going to students in need as well as high-need scholarships, 课程和学生活动.


好运鸭 2023 act of kindness

During final exams week in early December, 大发彩票平台的成功导航员决定在摩尔黑德校区周围隐藏小玩具鸭子,让学生们寻找和收集,以减轻学生们的压力,并激发一些乐趣. The hidden "好运鸭" quickly became one of the most talked-about things on campus, proving popular with students and staff alike. 


To promote moving more/sitting less, M State is hosting an employee wellness challenge this spring called Walk the Walk. The college has hosted this annual challenge since 2018, 每周为参加活动的员工提供奖品和其他奖励,鼓励他们在六周内步行204英里(该校四个校区之间的距离).


In light of National Children’s Dental Health Month in February, the 学习 campus dental programs participate in Give Kids a Smile, 一项全国性的倡议,为可能得不到牙科护理的儿童提供免费牙科治疗. This year's event is being held February 7 from 9 a.m. 到下午4点.m. All dental assisting and dental hygiene students and faculty will participate, 提供x射线, 做一, 密封剂, oral hygiene instructions and fluoride treatments at no charge. They'll be making it as fun as possible for kids, 有个小照相亭, 气球, 有趣的音乐播放, 每个孩子都有糖果袋.



这个在费格斯瀑布校区备受喜爱的长达18年的年度传统将于今年4月回归,为救世军(Salvation Army)举办又一年的创意筹款活动. 四月举行, Empty Bowls brings area potters together to handcraft hundreds of one-of-a-kind ceramic bowls, 然后在午餐筹款活动中,每个人花20美元就可以单独购买它们,并装满汤. Empty Bowls is hosted by the M State 美术 Department and has raised more than $71,000 for the Salvation Army over its history.

20) 1000辆自行车存放处

1,000 bikes in DL 20件善举

大发彩票平台底特律湖校区与当地男孩女孩俱乐部合作,为1名学生提供免费的临时存储空间,捐赠的000辆自行车. The bikes were brought to the community earlier this year by the semi truckload, transported from a Twin Cities charitable organization. 他们在校园里待了几个月,同时进行了小规模的修缮工作,为寻找新家做准备.